Information about safeguards implementation


Within the UNFCCC, countries must ensure that REDD+ activities, regardless of the source and type of funding, are implemented in a manner consistent with the safeguards adopted at the 16th Conference of the Parties in Cancun.

Cambodia is expected to provide information on how the country has “addressed” and “respected” the seven UNFCCC REDD+ safeguards throughout the implementation of their REDD+ activities.

Below is the ‘types’ of information that will be provided by Cambodia to demonstrate how the UNFCCC REDD+ safeguards are being addressed and respected.

Information about safeguards implementation


A.1. Description of how the implementation of the REDD+ PAMs is consistent with the objectives of national forest programmes.

A.2. Description of how the implementation of the REDD+ PAMs is consistent with the objectives of the various international agreements to which Cambodia is a Party


B.1. Description of information sharing/dissemination activities undertaken, including requests for access to information made by the public disaggregated by gender

B.2. Description of REDD+ related grievances received, process followed to adjudicate and outcomes, including records of any REDD+ related denunciation of public officials for corruption, any corruption related investigations and/or prosecutions by the mandated agencies as well as their outcomes

B.3. Description of how REDD+ finance (readiness, implementation and results) has been spent, percentage of allocation by gender

B.4. Measures taken for equitable sharing of benefits, gender equity and dealing with social discrepancies

B.5. Description of how existing land use rights have been recognized and protected during the implementation of REDD+, in particular land rights of women and IP.

B.6. If applicable, description of any resettlement process (including procedures followed and compensation provided) for each REDD+ intervention area.

B.7. Number of requests for information received and number dealt with (percentage rejected and granted)

B.8. Number of women involved in the implementation of REDD+ activities

B.9. Number of grievances received against implementing authorities

B.10. Number of grievances addressed and resolved by implementing authorities,

B.11. Number of individual or communal / customary rights holders over forest land, broken down by gender and by ethnicity, in the area before and after REDD+ PAMs

B.12. Number families or communities resettlements (if and as applicable)

B.13. Amount of compensation awarded (if and as applicable) and breakdown of compensation by gender and ethnicity.



C.1. Description of any potential sacred sites or other sites of cultural significance to ethnic minorities in areas that may be affected by REDD+ PAMs.

C.2. Description of how ethnic minorities, indigenous peoples and local communities were included in the design and implementation of the REDD+ PAMs.

C.3. Reports from relevant non-governmental stakeholders that ethnic minorities, indigenous peoples and local communities particularly women were not excluded from the benefits of REDD+ or are not left worse off.

C.4. If applicable, description of how (if at all) traditional knowledge has been used/has contributed to REDD+ PaMs implementation.

C.5. Number of ethnic minority population, particularly women residing in areas affected by REDD+ PAMs.

C.6. Number of ethnic minority population, particularly women directly involved in traditional use of resources from areas affected by REDD+ PAMs.


D.1. Description of the general categories of stakeholders involved in the implementation of the REDD+ PAMs (documentation and mapping of stakeholders) and how they were involved (information shared, feedback gathered, in what format was it gathered)

D.2. Description of the outcomes of the participation processes (for example how the ideas or comments from relevant stakeholders led to implementation changed/was influenced by considering the views of the relevant stakeholders)

D.3. Description of participation activities (e.g. culturally appropriate information produced, capacity building activities, specific meetings organised for vulnerable groups)

D.4. If applicable, description and evidence of how FPIC processes were followed in PaMs intervention areas of Indigenous Peoples and whether they affected the implementation of REDD+ (PAMs cancelled where FPIC witheld).

D.5. Number of meetings held, number of participants (organized according to categories of participant) and disaggregated by gender.

D.6. Number of representatives/members from ethnic minorities, indigenous peoples and local communities involved in REDD+ process in each intervention area and disaggregated by gender.

D.7. If applicable, number of FPIC processes followed (FPIC granted, FPIC withheld -resulting in intervention not going ahead)


E.1. Description of measures taken to ensure that REDD+ intervention do not result in the conversion of natural forests.

E.2. Description of whether and how the projected socio-cultural, economic and environmental benefits of the REDD+ PAMs were realised following implementation.

E.3. Description of how the implementation of REDD+ PAM has impacted biodiversity in accordance with Cambodia's National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan

E.4. Description of how benefit sharing arrangements functioned in practice.

E.5. Spatial information on the country’s natural forest cover before and after REDD+  implementation

E.6. Spatial information on extent of plantations nationally and rate of change in extent of plantations.

E.7. Statistics on jobs or businesses relating to sustainable use of natural forests and biodiversity, changes in incomes of communities that depend on natural forests, access to social services by those communities, etc.


F&G.1. Description of NFMS designed, maintained and implemented with the appropriate frequency to detect and provide information on reversals and displacement events

F&G.2. Description of carbon accounting risk mitigation mechanisms such as buffer pools

F&G.3. Number of TCo2 reduced since REDD+ intervention/implementation

F&G.4. Variation of deforestation rates in neighbouring areas before and after the REDD+ intervention/implementation.

If you would like to submit information please submit complete the following form and upload an attachment.

